Two Design Issues

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  • #15289

    Most of the customization has been easy and clean within your theme but there are two things that seem off.

    1) When activating the button on the Header section of the theme it always seems to open in a new window. Why is this and what is the easiest way to have it stay in current one? There is no setting for this and I have only heard of adding code to have it open in new window not same.

    2) I have a form using Contact Form 7 (recommended) and the theme does not seems to be taking the size variable. I have used this plugin with many other themes and never had it be an issue. Here though all fields are just maxing out the length regarding of if variable is listed. How do I fix or why is this happening? The min and max length are taking but display wise it just shows all fields at 50 or default size.

    [text activation-code size:6 minlength:6 maxlength:6] </p>


    Hello? Where is the supposed support for these themes?


    The support does not exist is my experience. In case you get a reply that is all you get, no fix, no update, no nothing.

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