Customize Popular Trip Problem

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  • #1312

    In the documentation looks like in the Customiza – Home/Popular Trip – Setting Options there will be 5 options that can be changed.

    Actually i just can see the two first, not any more show in the web of customization.

    Please let me know how can fix it or where i can manually change the values of the customization.

    Thanks a lot in advance,

    eVision Themes

    Hello @sermir,

    Thank you for using free version.but the option you are looking for is not present on the free theme, but what you can do is you can add this option by creating a child theme.
    to build a child theme for the parent theme,
    ( )

    Or you could upgrade to the pro-version which has this option. To check the pro-version please check

    Best regards


    Thanks a lot, please can you confirm me if i have to uninstall the old theme to install the new pro version? or it will be like a new theme? thanks in advance, i will buy the Pro. Hope that if i have more needs your support will be as quick as here 😀



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