I seem to have an extra menu messing with my homepage

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  • #2529

    Just getting going on a new site today using the clean biz theme. On my home page it looks like an extra menu is showing up through the page, and the slider isn’t functioning correctly. I made sure to size images correctly on the pages I linked to. Any tips? ShiftCulture.pro


    I deleted my menus, reset defaults on the theme, then readjusted my settings and everything worked out.

    eVision Themes

    Thank @swift for using our theme.

    Good to hear! Let us know, if you need further support regarding our theme. Follow our video instructions : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qv722FrYzP8 to set up website like as demo link: https://evisionthemes.com/demo-themes/?demo=clean-biz

    eVision Themes Support

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